
manic sunday/monday

ever feel like your children (and the gods) are conspiring to ruin your life?

I totally understand.

last night was to be a work of art in the studying department: tate hanging art from 8-10, girls in bed by 8 and me alone to finish preparing for my first graduate school presentation that I had totally put off until the last minute.

okay, maybe it was partially my fault. but the kids are still young enough to blame...

here's how the night really went:

7:30. harper in bed. sit down to feed a tired penny. dad leaves.

7:45. put penny in crib. grab beer. sit down to start working.

7:50. harper's up. put her back to bed.

7:55. harper's up. put her back to bed.

this continues every 5 minutes until 8:30.


8:31. penny wakes. feed penny bottle. penny's wide awake. put penny on play mat. penny freaks.

if she could talk, penny would have said something like, "hey mom, can't you see I'm wide awake and though am normally easy going, I must have you hold me now and for the next hour and a half?"

study. ha. not in this house.

9:50. call tate, "(please for the love of god) are you about done honey? I need some (fucking) help."

10:00. penny transfer to dad occurs, who also still has to do dishes and make lunches for everyone (that's right, my husband makes the lunches because he's that awesome). grab another beer. resume studying.

12:30. bed.

3:30. harper up and pissed. I can't let her cry, too tired, but instead bring her to bed hoping this means more sleep.

kick. kick. kick. flip. kick. kick. kick.

4:00. penny's up. with gas. pissed and crying.

4:45. sleep with the whole friggin' family in our bed. at least we're sleeping.

6:00. harper and dad leave the bed.

7:00. up to feed penny and get ready for school.

7:50. crap, I'm running late.

8:00. barely made it out the door on time. bike tires flat.


1 comment:

  1. I feel for you. Caitlin went through that up every 5 minutes thing last year. We eventually broke her of it. I threatened to put a baby gate up, which she could easily hop. She hated the thought of it. She use to yell till we went down there. Then we took away her morning tv show and that did it. Good luck.
