

I've never made New Year's Resolutions before (notice it says resolutions not resolution? goin' all out). for some reason I feel this is the time to do it. and nothing says official like posting it on the web.

so here goes...

1. crunches every morning (good-bye baby belly!).

2. ride bike to school every day. yes, every day. and rides to the bus or MAX count -- it's still at least 10 blocks...

3. teach my ass off.

4. listen more. and respond with comments that aren't about me.

5. be nicer to my husband. it's true, I'm not very nice when I'm stressed. I hope to start changing that.

I feel I should have something about the girls but I can't think of anything. that's a good sign, right? does that mean I'm happy with my parenting and the love and attention I give to my girls?

'cause I am.

and all the things listed above will ultimately lead to me being a better mom anyway.

by the way, my New Year's begins monday when school starts again, so, one more crunch-free day!

Happy New Year world!

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