woman: I think your daughter should have a hat on.
dad: oh, thanks for your concern, but she's okay.
woman: no, really, you need to put a hat on your child.
dad: I'm sorry, but don't F***ing tell me how to raise my child. she's fine.
I'm so proud.
the cussing aside, what a man. he's so hot.
and what nerve that lady had. not only is she NOT the mother and/or responsible one for my child, but she has no clue as to our situation. she doesn't know that hd will not wear her sun hat, that we DO own, so we cover her in sunscreen and hope the new glasses stay on for a bit. and it's none of her business anyway. it's not like dad was beating her or something truly horrible. they were chillin', and no sunburning, or even tanning, has occurred on our fair-skinned child yet.
anyway, she wasn't wearing a hat either, and from the looks of her tan, she's got about 5 years to leather-dom.
but I wouldn't tell her that. that would be rude.
Go, Dad!