
thankful times have changed cause I could NEVER hit my kid -- maybe yours...

the long years of time outs have begun in our household -- we have a baby-kicking toddler. actually, she kicks lots of things, and not like kick-a-football-through-the-uprights kicker. she drop kicks, like they do in the WWF. now, when done to a box, hahaha. when done to a baby, what the hell are you doing!?!

but luckily, my brilliant child gets it, time out that is. she sits and squirms for the whole minute, looks quite pathetic through the whole thing, and gives a bear hug at the end.

just like all you other parents out there, of course I think my child is brilliant and advanced. though I must admit, when it comes to time out, hd probably learned it from Olivia.

I wish I had been brave enough to attempt a Pollock-esque painting when I was young. maybe now I'd be rich. but every time I read this story, I am awed and terrified at once. if my kid ever did that... Olivia got lucky it was just time out she had to endure and doesn't live in a time when this is acceptable: that's right. your beloved Beatrix Potter whipped kids in her books. not spanked. not scolded harshly. whipped. I don't even know what to do with that.

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