
How to proceed?

I've disappeared and I'm not certain it's a bad thing. Since returning to Chongqing 6 weeks ago, I've debated whether or not to keep this here blog. Not only am I super busy at work, but the time I do have off I'd like to spend away from the computer.

Months and months ago I read another blogger's farewell. Having begun to find other moms in a time of need, she now felt less needy and ready to move on with life, sans blog.

I've been wondering if I'm there also.

I love to write, but...what is the right medium? Where is the right place? How often should I do it?

As I figure this out I will attempt to be better at putting something here. Maybe this will turn into one of those diary blogs that starts out bad and turns into a really rad book.

Yeah. That's what will happen.

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