
the potty files

we did it. we jumped into the potty-training abyss. wheee!!!!

a couple weeks ago Tate and I realized we were wimps when it came to potty training. we put Harper in underwear, would inevitably forget to remind her to go potty and puddles of pee would appear. how did we respond? must not be ready - put a diaper on that kid!

how wrong we were.

last Saturday we took the plunge: no more diapers (except at night because a screaming, wet 2-year-old at 3 in the morning that wakes up her little sister sounds like hell. we'll wait until the diaper is dry in the morning - I've been told it happens...)*, only underwear.

saturday was all pee, all the time, and lots of clothes changing.

sunday was all dry, all the time, with pee in it's proper place and clothes in the dresser.

the rest of the week has been good, with a clearly ready two-year-old being the big kid in underwear, even going potty in the loud toilet at the grocery store.

is there a prouder moment than this?

I don't believe you.

this Mother's Day I would like to salute my big kid, Harper D. high-fives and kisses all around. here's to you Noodle!

*I apologize a little for the incredibly long paranthesis but it had to be done. I'm sure you understand.

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