

When I hear a little voice say pee or poop, I jump up, respond with a quick let's go! and run to the nearest bathroom or otherwise appropriate location.

Yes, my 2-year-old-in-7-days is potty training.

Tonight was no different. I got up twice for pee, once for a poop false alarm. Then I heard poop again, but rising to the occasion I saw a child already without underwear, a scary picture.

Though we ran to the bathroom, rather than needing to poop, PB was showing off the one she had already done. By herself. In the big potty.

**heart fills with joy**

PB's first solo poop. I feel like celebrating. Nice work, PB!

1 comment:

  1. Training them to use the potty isn't hard. It's teaching them to wipe. Gross.
