
New blog update

The three most popular blogging sites are blocked in China: Blogger, Wordpress, and Livejournal. What do I do?

I'm tempted to just create my own website, but don't know how. Is it hard? I feel a bit dumb asking this. I mean, I have a blog, right? But I don't do anything special here. I can't even figure out how to do that cool strike-through thing 'cause it's not on my toolbar. And I still don't understand how putting an html thingy in a box creates this cool picture thing with a link on my page. Magic, I think.

What I think will end up happening is the creation of a blog once I get to China, chat up some people, and figure out my options. It will be interesting letting everyone here know since I'll have to email the info to a friend and have them post for me.

Well, you're stuck with me here for the next 6 weeks (!). This blog should be renamed "Mad.Mover" for that time. I imagine what you will see regards our upheaval, as Tate put it, from Portland and transition across the globe. We have multiple To Do lists going of all the stuff needed done when faced with two years out of the US. It's remarkably complicated.

Things to expect:

1. Pictures of all the crap I...am getting rid of. Everything in our house has a label: take; store; get rid of. Guess how most of it's labeled? Every day I look around and find something else I would pack to Florida but disappears when moving to China. I am kind of sickened by the amount of stuff we have that we really have no use for. Our apartment is filled with junk. Really beautiful junk you should come relieve us of! No really, there is good stuff, just not good enough to pay the $200/50 lbs. to ship.

2. Whining about all the stuff that needs to get done.

3. Exhuberance about the adventure we're taking. Ahhh! CHINA! No, not used to it yet.

4. Adorable pictures of the girls. Mostly because they really are adorable, and that's not just the mom in me talking. Others have told me. (hee hee)

5. Bragging about how awesome I am for getting a job in CHINA because we get to live in CHINA.

Now I really should work on finishing my master's. I am paying dearly for it.

Adorable pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. What a seriously COOL opportunity for you! i am envious that you have this chance to leap into another world, your children will grow so much from it. Can't wait to read more!
