

time has slowed down for me today so I feel obligated to write. I've been quite neglectful and though it may not bother any of you it really rankles me.

today is a good day -- first day of super-fog of the season. this is one of the biggest reasons I love Portland, the fog. and one of my favorite things to do is ride over the Broadway bridge in the fog where you can't see a damn thing when you're over the river. it's so cool and I get to do it today. you should be jealous.

I now know what is meant by "deflated boobs".

my baby is ticklish and it is adorable. squeeze a thigh, side or tickle her neck and she gets very close to laughing. kid doesn't laugh, ever, but goodness the smiles are awesome.

Harper is mimicking like crazy and has begun narrating her every move. to listen to her talk about her world is like getting into her head. with no filter and a large vocabulary, it's amazing what comes out. the other day she couldn't get dressed because she was "doin' stuff". how can I argue with that?

school rocks (both of them) but I am totally unmotivated this week to do anything. I'm trying to get back to studious me but it is proving very difficult. then I looked at all the (crap) really important to my education work I still have to do and wanted to shred my syllabi and pretend they didn't exist. 6 more weeks. 6 more weeks. 6 more weeks.

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