
Round 1 of 5

I'll admit it--I've got quite the ego when it comes to my intelligence and ability. maybe because I've always studied things that interest me, I don't feel I've ever had to work very hard to get good grades. maybe my good grades haven't always translated to knowledge. maybe I just got my system down and went with it.

but I've always been good at school. until now.

actually, I'm being harsh. I still think I'm good at school, it's just now I have to try a bit.

I mean a lot.

and I don't know how to do that. it's hard. and I don't like it.

know what it is? it's all these damn papers. I thought they knew that biology was my specialty. know how much writing I had to do to get a biology degree? right, very little.

but give me a multiple choice test and I'll knock your socks off.

so lets see. graduate school. talking a bunch. thinking a bunch. then writing a bunch.


I want to be a teacher. whatever.

so last week I had a little big meltdown cause the other part of this whole writing thing includes lesson plans. seriously. hard. at least to the standard that my prof wanted it. and I hate to say I agree with his formula because it means more work for me.

but ultimately, this program rocks. I love my cohort, as much as you can love 27 other people who think they, also, are ALWAYS right. and I'm learning a ton. I guess working hard will be worth it, stressful though it may be.

round 1 complete; 4 more to go...

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