
All jittery and stufff

I'm feeling a bit jittery. There's work to do and all I can do is play with my feet, shake my sitting booty, and wring my hands as if waiting to hear "it's a girl!" at the hospital. The reason?

What I feel are restless legs.

My mother suffers from restless leg syndrome, and since being pregnant with PB, I have also. It's a strange thing, and hard to describe to someone who does not have it. For my mother, it happens at night, keeping her awake. Most of the time, that is when I would feel it too. But every once in a while, I get it during the day.

I feel like I need to run. I feel like there is no comfortable position for my legs or feet. I feel like I need to stretch but stretching does not help. I just feel all, well, jittery and stuff. And it's annoying.

Why now?! Come on, body, I need to work. I'm all bouncy and stuff and focused on my legs and this awful feeling and not on my work. Argh.

I will pace, bounce, massage, stretch, jump, squat, scream...and repeat.

I have got to get through this and on to more important things.