
the headless momma

recently when I comment on other blogs, my profile picture shows but without a head.

headless me. headless momma. headless random body on a beach?

yeah, lets go with that until that new one of my awesomely post-2-babies bikini body is ready.



flu season?

my baby is sick, really sick. vomit, crying, smiling through purple-rimmed eyes, and fit-full sleeping. poor, poor thing. there's nothing worse than a baby so sick that even mega-tiger doesn't cheer her up. and not being able to tell someone how you feel so they can make it better must really, really suck.

penny and mega-tiger hangin'

I remember when the family got the flu when harper was 7-months-old. she also woke up vomiting, and if you've ever experienced projectile vomit from a baby you know why all I can think is "Exorcist". really people, it's not right. and today, after 4 clothes changes (one for me included), one sheets change, and close to running out of blankets, witnessing baby puke isn't any easier.

every couple hours penny acts hungry and I make her a small bottle, and she's all excited, grabbing for it and stuff, and downs it. 30 minutes later, it all comes up. and she gets pissed. not upset like her stomach hurts, though I'm sure it does, but gives me a look that says, "but mom, I wanted that food". at least she can keep down Pedialite.

and most of all, I hope penny's unfortunate ordeal is not flu-induced, as that means it will inevitably be passed around the household.

harper had a runny nose this morning...


Tuesday, ha. I meant Friday I'd catch up

here's a quick update:

student teaching: wow. awesome. crazy. cool. so busy. and excited.

last weekend: home to Denver for high school reunion. ugh to the reunion. good to see family, friend, and have some time with just Penny.

Tuesday: took Harper to visit new daycare and decided did not like new daycare. need to find daycare by Monday. out $900. found a place then get a call that we got in to another. when it rains it pours?

school: start 5 classes Monday to add to student teaching schedule. nuts. already feel overwhelmed. my poor husband...

...is amazing.



I have been so gone. my brain is starting to feel as though not much more will fit in. I have neglected my blog, and yours too. sorry! I promise I will read all of your wonderful posts that I have missed and get caught up. and by tuesday, a real post here too. I have a lot to say, and I will.

I'm sure you're not worried.


things that scare me...and make me mad

please go see this. and do something. my wonderful little p was born at home, and I'm not totally sure (not sure at all, actually) that hd needed the hospital birth she had. the more that women are misinformed about their choices, the longer it will take to give them back the power to birth their babies themselves.

I am a feminist. I am a homebirth advocate. I am a mother.

I am writing a letter to NBC/The Today Show/Matt Lauer.


watch out!

I got new bras today. real bras with underwires, push-up features, and no clips for baring all to adoring infants.

it's a good day.

it's been 2 years.

and my, have things changed. well, on me, not with bras necessarily. bearing children does a number on ones breasts in many ways, but for me, this mostly involves an increase in size. good? sure! I'm game. though the way they look in a real bra is a little hard to adjust to. I keep thinking I'm going to knock into them with my arms so I walk around with my arms out a bit just in case.

at least my chest looks good.


New Name, part 1

I've been getting a lot of random views from Britain and India. they come to me after searching for "mad momma" which I found funny.

so I searched "mad momma".

turns out I am not the first. and not the most popular.

there is another - British, Indian or both, who came before. so now I must change.

any ideas? I need something representative of myself, original, and witty would be nice too. feel free to email me with questions if you feel you don't know me well. I'm not creative and need help. obviously, or I wouldn't be in this position to begin with.
